Service Learning

IdaHome Magazine

(April 2020) "Idaho's Formidable Women", Idahome magazine (Boise, Idaho). (accessed March 31, 2020)

Design World magazine

(November 2019) "Women In Engineering", Design World magazine (Cleveland, Ohio) March 31, 2020)

OM 378

Operations Management is a service learning course that has student teams develop a community project and manage it.

With a group of four team members total, we created a living document that Office of Multicultural Affairs could edit online for their student outreach throughout the semester. It improved upon the quality of their last general flyer and updated language for clarity and friendliness. We used direct communication and meetings with the department in order to meet their expectations.

Additionally, we tailored this document to our campus community by listing services and the address, in order to demonstrate the accessibility of the office's services.

This project was completed at the end of Fall 2019 with delivery to our client.

Front and back of the flyer our team designed for the Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs

Inclusive Excellence Council

During my time as a student Boise State I was a member of the founding team called "Inclusive Excellence Student Council." This group served minority and other under-served students by creating an institutional structure to provide training and press releases around the safety and well-being of these marginalized students.

After the Black Student Union and other groups were the victums of a hate crime occurring on campus, we realized there was no consensus from the student body on holding our peers accountable for keeping our community safe, engaging in helpful language, and repairing community bridges through events, training, etc, when needed. Especially for campus leaders who learn of persecution based on race, religion or sexual orientation and are unsure of what to do next.

Our council started as a separate body from the student government with an initial grant of $10,000 to facilitate training and community programs.

Feminist Camp

This was a 3 day camp, April 5-7, 2018, in which participants traveled through various locations of San Francisco, Ca and Oakland, Ca. The goal was to learn about feminist topics through the eyes of people working in the area.

We learned about performing abortions from a volunteer doctor group. We watched a documentary by a local film maker on births happening at the Mexico border. The work being done by a professional activist. And heard from the founder of a new Filipino culture district in San Francisco. We also visited authors and directors of community spaces in the area that tackled art, Oakland murals and human trafficking.

I learned a lot about the rich leadership provided by many women in the area of health, reproductive justice, and safe places for other people to heal from their trauma.

From their website:

"Feminist Camp believes in empowering feminists to visualize and pursue their goals. We do this by:

  • Focusing our sessions on conversations, not top-down sessions where the "experts" are the only ones talking.
  • Getting you in front of leading researchers, activists, thinkers, and artists in the field and facilitating meaningful connections.
  • Dedicating one day of each week-long session to feminist workplaces and careers, including practical advice about job searching, networking, resume-writing, and interviewing.
  • Offering post-session support in developing an activist or academic action plan to leverage your Camp experience in your home communities.
  • Encouraging each member of our globe-spanning alumni network to step up as feminist leaders by offering benefits such as scholarships to other conferences, organizing opportunities, job"

BBC Documentary: 100 Women

Video from BBC

BBC launched a 100 women campaign that highlighted 100 women leaders around the world. My colleague Roya, who is a product designer, was featured as one of these women and put together a team that included myself, an industrial engineer and another product designer on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list.

BBC came to the San Francisco area in order to film a week long hackathon where we were to build a product that would help women in Silicon Valley break the glass ceiling.

Our first idea, was an early iteration of the idea I am using in Entrepreneurship 415, a wearable that would encourage women when they were in high pressure and performance events.

The second idea was a world map painted on a large wooden structure that represented the global location of women at work across the world. The interactive display allowed audience members to go up and play the stories of women being sidelined.

My work was on the engineering side to make a prototype of the backend.

LilStar Board MEmber

As a board member for I attend monthly board meetings and participate in the development of programs for San Diego, Ca students.

I traveled to San Diego from Moscow in December 2018 to teach a robotics class to 30 students from age 5 to 18. This was a very rewarding experience in which I wrote the curriculum and helped students build robots.

Every students was able to build a robot and get it to turn on. They also took the robots home for further learning. The events was sponsored by Clarity Design, a local San Diego company.

Girl STEM Stars Board MEmber

As a Girl STEM Stars Board member I have attended board meetings, and facilitated two field trips to Google. I have also appeared in a television interview that broadcast to the greater Bay area.

Girl STEM Stars identifies and selects female students who are Black or Latinx and takes them on all day tours at hi-tech companies in the Bay area.

I facilitated the curriculum and guided tour of Google in Mountain View, Ca and again in San Francisco, Ca. These two different locations allowed me to facilitate a lesson for two completely different group of students. And work with volunteers to make sure they helped students well. The students went through a Made with Code module and many learned how to code for the first time.

ROyal Family Kids camp

During my early college years I thought it was important to give back to the foster care community in Idaho, because we are in a rural area there seems to be a particular lack of volunteers for this community.

Royal Family kids camp is 5 day residential summer camp for kids in the foster care system. While it is an international program, each region is directed and facilitated by local volunteers.

I worked as a buddy for this camp for 4 years in a row. A "buddy" is partnered with one or two kids and helps them go through the daily camp activities and offers them any support they need.

We are given 8 hour training in order to start working at the camp. And our goal is to help these kids have a fun week outside of the variability of the foster care system.